
the SPACE TIME of our universe 

i consider everything within the “container” universe to be our particular version of space time. that is everything that exists within the physics of the big bang. i consider all we see and all we know to be specific only to our universe and only to our physics only (until we have other evidence). the physics and spacetime of other universes could be very different than ours.  

we can logically predict and explain almost everything we see in the universe using the system of sciences from chemistry to astronomy using designations such as atoms and elements. we can then verify these predictions, explanations and systems with observation of phenomena and experiment. 

a brief explanation of our space time and the physics of our universe
very very deeply and more than just inspired by origins.jpl.nasa.gov/library/

the universe we inhabit is estimated to have begun 15 (12-20) billion years ago with the big bang.

space, time, energy, matter and the four fundamental forces (gravity, electromagnetism, the strong and weak nuclear forces) were present in the big bang and were combined as energy. 

over time matter separated into elementary particles which formed electrons and protons (held together by the strong force) which formed atoms which combine to form the periodic table of elements which make up everything we know.  

matter the material (atoms and molecules) that is everything in the universe

atom the smallest particle of an element that can exist either alone or in combination

molecule the smallest particle of a substance that retains all the properties of the substance and is composed of one or more atoms

element A molecule composed of one type of atom. Chemist have recognized or created 112 different types of elements.  

at around 1 billion years after the big bang, concentrations of matter formed into giant clouds of molecules (hundreds of light years in size that last 10-100 million years) that contained the raw material that condensed into stars, planets and galaxies .

gravity can overcome the disruptive forces of heat and turbulence to create spheres of gas that are hot enough and dense enough at their centers so that hydrogen can fuse into helium — creating a star.

over time the mass of helium can become great enough to fuse into heavier elements. heavier elements are made up of atoms with more and more protons combined in the nucleas. hydrogen, the simplest and first element has one proton in its nucleas. helium has 2 and so on. this is called nucleosynthesis. 

when massive stars die they explode as supernova and this is the source of all the heavy elements that are found in nebulae, stars, planets, and interstellar space.

each galaxy is a stellar factory, producing stars out of giant gas clouds; each star is a chemical factory, transmuting simple elements into heavier, more complex ones

all material in a protoplanetary disk, which is a disk of dust and gas up to 20 times the diameter of the star, spins in the same direction around the star. within the spinning , gravity allows clumps to form and grow — creating objects called planetesimals. eventually a few large objects — protoplanets — will form and this is were planets come from. 

from and within space formed our sun earth ecosystem. the earth orbits the sun which is an ordinary star in a galaxy of  100 billion stars. there are billions of galaxies. 

stars in the universe are in clusters, we are in a local group of stars. we orbit the massive black hole in the center of our galaxy.  our galaxy appears to be heading towards the supermassive galaxy/ blackhole vega.

Found in interstellar space, and therefore in planet-forming nebulae, are complex carbon molecules and amino acids — the building blocks of life. The universe appears to be very well populated with the raw materials to manufacture the deoxyribonucleic (DNA) molecule, the blueprint of all life on Earth. However, the method for ensuring that all of the right components find each other in the right quantities and under the right circumstances has yet to be identified. The fact that it happened once, and with such prolific consequences, suggests that in the chain of events described here, the opportunity exists for repeated occurrences of life elsewhere in the universe.”

carbon based life on earth exists primarily because of adaptation to the sun – earth ecosystem. life was created by and adapted to an environment created in space by a natural process of space





it is often said that time did not start until after the big bang. it is said that the physics of the universe before the big bang was so different from what came after that any and all events before the big bang are irrelevant and could not effect anything within our physics. 

i believe that time as a component to space-time DID begin at the big bang. but time as a concept of measure is something that can be “outside and above” everything. so that any event that has ever happened can be plotted on some kind of time line. time as a concept may be the only infinite thing.

i use the term “time space” to represent that ultimate timeline that is above all others and can plot every other time line or space time.

i use the term “space time” to represent the physics within a universe. every universe has its own physics and space time.  20031130

that which can survive singularity or pass between universes would be a part of the physics of both universes space. or would it? could universes intermingle via different dimensions. maybe “dark matter” is the physics of another universe which our universe is interacting with. it would stand that the other universes physics would be “unobservable” to us since they may be of another physics.  20031128

the size of the universe is _____light years. we can “see” objects ____ light years away. i have a “map” of the universe that  i got as an insert in national geographic on the wall behind me now.  

define/explain; energy, light, matter, nuclear reactions

it is possible that some parts of our system of science could be off or misaligned. we may be describing incorrectly.  our system of describing the universe maybe be mis-aligned with the reality. but its at least in some way mimicking, learning, following  or predicting the reality. if at least in some mis-aligned pattern or misunderstood way. this could be caused by our observation of space which is our observation of everything with our limited senses and perception. the physics of the universe, matter and energy,  can be described at multiple levels and therefore have a multiple realities.

visible light occupies only one-thousandth of a percent of the spectrum
everything is energy

the fabric of space time (“space has to be made out of something”)- somebody on tv said that and i found it interesting but i forgot who or what. 


Multiple Universes

my ideas and research of multiple universes -and that which can pass between them   more notes i have no reason to believe our universe is unique im leaning towards a multiple universe scenario. be them a “single” continuously expanding and collapsing  (consecutive/ sequential) universe or a multiple universe scenario (simultaneous/ parallel universes as foam bubbles).  …


singularity The center of a black hole, where the curvature of spacetime is maximal. At the singularity, the gravitational tides diverge; no solid object can even theoretically survive hitting the singularity. Although singularities generally predict inconsistencies in theory, singularities within black holes do not necessarily imply that general relativity is incomplete so long as singularities …