it is every individual entity’s idea of what it’s philosophy is for itself-
and only as it is described unto itself
20031121- everything has its own unique way of experiencing the universe and form this at least a unique perspective and interpretation. from it’s unique experience every individual entity has its very own unique idea of what itself, life and the universe is. no entity can dictate or define this philosophy unto or for another entity. some entities cannot communicate this philosophy (this incudes some humans). some may not even understand its own philosophy, even though it is the creator and sole user and inhabitant.
this is an idea that tries to recognize that which is every individual philosophy and the resulting sum of all those philosophies
20031121- the resulting sum of the inter mingling of individual philosophies creates at least a loose philosophy for the whole and/or parts of the whole. maybe just as with intermingling energies. this philosophy of whole can be described but not dictated by any individual or group. (that means someone can say what he thinks the philosophy of the group is and a good portion of this could be accurate. but he could not determine or maneveur the groups direction.) could that also be true for individuals regarding another’s philosophy? good question.
is our goal our philosophy? is an individual’s goal his philosophy? can his philosophy do anything but make him achieve his goal? and determine his goal? does an individual’s philosophy determine his goal?
phi·los·o·phy Middle English philosophie, from Old French, from Latinphilosophia, from Greek, from philosophos philosopher Date: 14th century 1 b(2) : ETHICS c : a discipline comprising as its core logic, aesthetics, ethics, metaphysics, and epistemology 2 a : pursuit of wisdom b : a search for a general understanding of values and reality by chiefly speculative rather than observational means c : an analysis of the grounds of and concepts expressing fundamental beliefs 3 a : a system of philosophical concepts b : a theory underlying or regarding a sphere of activity or thought 4 a : the most general beliefs, concepts, and attitudes of an individual or group
our goal almost has to be
the continued existence and success
of our species and the universe
science: provides the information to attain that goal
morality: should be based in achieving that goal
Main Entry: mo·ral·i·ty Date: 14th century 1 a : a moral discourse, statement, or lesson b :a literary or other imaginative work teaching a moral lesson 2 a : a doctrine or system of moralconduct b plural : particular moral principles or rules of conduct 3 : conformity to ideals of right human conduct 4 : moral conduct : VIRTUE Main Entry: 1mor·al Date: 14th century1 a : of or relating to principles of right and wrong in behavior: ETHICAL b : expressing or teaching a conception of right behavior c : conforming to a standard of right behavior d : sanctioned by or operative on one’s conscience or ethical judgment e : capable of right and wrong action 2 :probable though not proved : VIRTUAL3 : having the effects of such on the mind, confidence, or will
the reality is the most truest nature of everything. that which is actual. the ultimate, the real. it is possible the reality cannot be known. there are parts of reality that cannot be defined in some senses universally. but the physics of the universe, matter and energy, can be described and therefore have a true reality. a reality we (humans) may not be able to see, but something outside our physics, at a “higher level” in nature could observe the true reality of the universe. something that was able to observe the universe in its entirety could experience the true reality of the universe. humans may never be able to do that as our senses are limited (we have only five senses now). we would have to be able to observe and /or experience every form of energy and matter in the universe all at once in realtime.
Main Entry: pan·the·ism
Pronunciation: ‘pan(t)-thE-“i-z&m
Function: noun
Etymology: French panthéisme, from panthéiste pantheist, from English pantheist, from pan- + Greek theos god
Date: 1732
1 : a doctrine that equates God with the forces and laws of the universe
2 : the worship of all gods of different creeds, cults, or peoples indifferently; also : toleration of worship of all gods (as at certain periods of the Roman empire)
– pan·the·ist /-thE-ist/ noun
– pan·the·is·tic /”pan(t)-thE-‘is-tik/ also pan·the·is·ti·cal /-ti-k&l/ adjective
– pan·the·is·ti·cal·ly /-ti-k(&-)lE/ adverb
Main Entry: tran·scen·den·tal·ism
Pronunciation: -t&l-“i-z&m Function: noun Date: 1803 1 : a philosophy that emphasizes the a priori conditions of knowledge and experience or the unknowable character of ultimate reality or that emphasizes the transcendent as the fundamental reality 2 : a philosophy that asserts the primacy of the spiritual and transcendental over the material and empirical 3 : the quality or state of being transcendental; especially : visionary idealism – tran·scen·den·tal·ist /-t&l-ist/ adjective or noun
(george) Clinton, having coined the term funkentelechy, has plainly read philosophy. An entelechy is “a realization or actuality as opposed to a potentiality… [or] a vital agent or force directing growth” (“Entelechy”). While I have not found sources that speak specifically of his reading material, it certainly seems possible, perhaps likely, that (george) Clinton encountered the Transcendentalists, and that they influenced the music of Funkadelic.
What is Transcendentalism?
It was already decades since the Americans had won independence from England. Now, these people believed, it was time for literary independence. And so they deliberately went about creating literature, essays, novels, philosophy, poetry, and other writing that were clearly different from anything from England, France, Germany, or any other European nation.The Enlightenment had come to new rational conclusions about the natural world, mostly based on experimentation and logical thinking. The pendulum was swinging, and a more Romantic way of thinking — less rational, more intuitive, more in touch with the senses — was coming into vogue.
German philosopher Kant raised both questions and insights into the religious and philosophical thinking about reason and religion.
In their perspective, a loving God would not have led so much of humanity astray; there must be truth in these scriptures, too. Truth, if it agreed with an individual’s intuition of truth, must be indeed truth.
the idea that the universe is a single entity is still a theory theory at this level creates philosophies of why we are