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meta·phys·ics Medieval Latin Metaphysica, title of Aristotle’s treatise on the subject, from Greek (ta) meta (ta) physika, literally, the (works) after the physical (works); from its position in his collected works Date: 1569 1 a (1) : a division of philosophy that is concerned with the fundamental nature of reality and being and that includes ontology, cosmology, and often epistemology (2) : ONTOLOGY 2 b : abstract philosophical studies : a study of what is outside objective experience

on·tol·o·gy New Latin ontologia, from ont- + -logia -logy Date: circa 1721 
: a branch of metaphysics concerned with the nature and relations of being
: a particular theory about the nature of being or the kinds of existents

epis·te·mol·o·gy Greek epistEmE knowledge, from epistanai to understand, know, from epi- + histanai to cause to stand. circa 1856. the study or a theory of the nature and grounds of knowledge especially with reference to its limits and validityte·lep·a·thy Date: 1882 : communication from one mind to another by extrasensory means ex·tra·sen·so·ry Date: 1934 : residing beyond or outside the ordinary senses


examples of how the universe is interconnected which may be outside objective experience. The Law of Entrainment “In 1665 Dutch Scientist Christian Huygens decsribed something which is now called the law of entrainment. This law holds that if two or more rhythms are in close proximity, they will always fall into syncrony. Huygens observed that pendulum wall clocks, when placed next to each other, would become “entrained” and beat in sync with each other. This law holds true for all types of rhythms, bio, celestial, mechanical, musical ect.” from:

Bell’s Theorem roughly states that when two particles A & B are separated by great distances, certain actions on particle A can still effect particle B instantaneously. even if this reaction time exceeds the speed of light.


the nervous system controls the actions and sensations of all the parts of your body by using a complex network of nerves, which carry electrical signals to and from the brain.  The brain and spinal cord compose the central nervous system, acting as the central clearing house.  One part of your nervous system controls your body’s relationship to the external environment (somatic) and another part controls your body’s internal organs (autonomic).  The human body has five major senses which operate to gather information from the world around us, sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch.  Any stimulus to one of the sense areas is detected by sensory nerves and is sent to the brain for interpretation.