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Cosmotheism  : is quoted as being: “a Religion that positively asserts that there is an internal purpose in life and in the cosmos, and that there is an essential unity, or consciousness that binds all living beings and all of the inorganic cosmos, as one. What is our true human identity is that we are the cosmos made self-aware or, self conscious by evolution and that our true human purpose is to know and to complete ourselves as conscious individuals and as a self-aware species and thereby to co-evolve with the cosmos towards universal awareness and towards the ever higher perfection of consciousness and being.”  See also Pantheism.

Cosmotheism is a religion which positively asserts that there is a internal purpose in life and in cosmos, and there is an essential unity, or consciousness that binds all living beings and all of the inorganic cosmos, as one. What is our true human identity is we are the cosmos made self-aware and self-conscious by evolution. Our true human purpose is to know and to complete ourselves as conscious Individuals and also as a self-aware species and thereby to co-evolve with the cosmos towards total and universal awareness, and towards the ever higher perfection of consciousness and being.


Pantheism  : can mean two things; it can be a doctrine that identifies God with the whole universe and all of its associated phenomena, in other words there is no God as such, but the combined force and laws which are manifested in the existing universe constitute God.  Another term for this is cosmotheism. It can also be the belief and worship of all gods.

“A Blemish on the Blossom” Pantheism and White-Supremacist Hate Groups by Esther Hugenholtz

Main Entry: mo·nism 
Date: 1862 1 a : a view that there is only one kind of ultimate substance b : the view that reality is one unitary organic whole with no independent parts 2 : MONOGENESIS 3 : a viewpoint or theory that reduces all phenomena to one principle