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Multiple Universes

my ideas and research of multiple universes
-and that which can pass between them


more notes

i have no reason to believe our universe is unique

im leaning towards a multiple universe scenario. be them a “single” continuously expanding and collapsing  (consecutive/ sequential) universe or a multiple universe scenario (simultaneous/ parallel universes as foam bubbles).  in both of these scenarios universes the universes  exchange energy/ matter (maybe not as we know it) via black hole singularity type objects.

(this is the font and color of other people’s words)
YAHOO SEARCH “pass between universes”
And sure enough, it isn’t natural, as we find out that the “noise” is an attempt at communication using gravity waves by aliens from an adjoining universe, as gravitrons are the only thing that can pass between universes. (fiction)

Hence anyone at Point A in Universe One could be next to Point B in Universe Two, and next to Point C in Universe Three, yet they’d never be able to see or – as far as anyone knows – communicate with each other because light and the strong nuclear and weak interaction forces can’t pass between universes.

But gravity can. In that regard, Arkani-Hamed and his associates add,
someday we might be able to detect the gravitational pull of giant masses, like stars, in other universes.

It is my view that the universe is based on temporal physics. In order to stave of reinversion the big bang had to have an equal and oppistie force to allow time space expansion. These forces had to consist of a positive and negative temporal universe. Each parralel universe tied to gether by the inverted singularity. The stability of expansion was also fasilitated by the creation of smaller black holes. These smaller black holes acting as doorways fasilitating the movement of energy between a positive time universe and a negative time universe. The key to understanding this is that only light may enter singularities. All other forms of energy are transfered to electromagnetic radiation at the event horizon. Light may pass between universes with differing temporal states as light is nurtral regarding time.

This theory is based on three universal laws.
Unity in all things
Duality in all things
The cyclical nature of all things

All of the laws of physics are based on one of these or the relation ship between them. There is a direct relation ship between these laws. Reductionism does not work regarding the nature of the universe as a whole. Only eatern thought interms of the wholistic relationship between induvidual systems may understand fully the evolution of this system.


success. evolve. see next page. expand? spread out thru universe & into other universes
august 23, 2002

the reason. success of us our species. directly dependant on success of earth (ecology, air, water, food) and all of the life in it. success of the universe (has to be more than one) but thats another thing. universes. august 23, 2002

october 2002

october 2002

october 2002

october 2002

this font designates research and other peoples work


i am also very very interested in that which can survive singularity. that which can survive passing thru a black hole. i believe that black hole type objects exchange energy or matter (not as we know it) with other universes.  these very dense singularities could resemble what is perceived to be the initial conditions for the big bang.maybe the universe is a single cell in a bigger organism or entity and has a function and/or supplies other cells (other universes) or the bigger organism with processed energy or matter.maybe the universe is one of many “cells” that process matter as we know it into a form of energy and transfers this energy to another cell (universe) via black hole type objects. may 25, 2003


in a multiple universe scenario (continuous/sequential or parallel/ simultaneous, surviving singularity means energy/matter can be transferred between universes. 20030404 


if that which can survive singularity produces life, then it probably is designed to function in different kinds of physics or universes. in a multiple universes scenerio would all universe be the same physics wise? if a part of a bigger “organism” prolly maybe. organism(s) may only happen within our physics. there may be other physics in the (our) universe. energy benita. october 5, 2003

multiuniverse. distance should be beyond linear. the “distance” between universes could be beyond our capability of understanding, specially of measurement. october 26, 2003

that which can survive singularity. we are conscious energy

october 26, 2003

that which can survive singularity or pass between universes would be a part of the physics of both universes space. or would it? could universes intermingle via different dimensions. maybe “dark matter” is the physics of another universe which our universe is interacting with. it would stand that the other universes physics would be “unobservable” to us since they may be of another physics.  20031128


i use the term “time space” to represent that ultimate timeline that is above all others and can plot every other time line or space time.i use the term “space time” to represent the physics within a universe. every universe has its own physics and space time.  20031130


   maybe evolution has experience. this isnt the first universe    


evolution applies to universe creation (date unknown)


if evolution is determined
then maybe the “consciousnesses” that benefit the development of life or universe
“come back” in another life. again. (date unknown)


july 24, 2004
from my book: one man’s FUNK ENTELECHY and THEORY OF UNIVERSE

my most recent theory about the universe is i believe in a multi-universe scenario. i imagine sequential collapsing and expanding universes. these are “continuous” cause i believe there is some kind of matter that can pass between them. i think there is something that can survive “singularity” type events and pass between universes. this matter or whatever then can then be older and have more experience than the 15 billion year old universe we are a part of. so its as if this isn’t the first universe and / or evolution of life. i believe there has been an evolution in the universe creation process. the evolution of everything we know has happened before and the more robust universes or life generating mechanisms continued and flourished. this idea means the “designing” of our universe could have an infinite amount of time to develop. it could have billions times billions times billions of years of “experience” and also that many random chances to “accidentally” generate life or universes. this almost infinite amount of time and opportunities greatly increases the probability that life or whatever could have started by chance.also this would explain what we see as the “intelligent design’ in the universe. if the creation of
universes has experience, then the evolution of universes will be slightly determined. the universe
has an idea of where its going based on previous experience and evolution. this explains the
complexity we see.

20040810 an evolution of thought: the evolution of universesmaybe we evolved consciousness to overcome death
consciousness is a major enough thing to compete with death
there is a reason for consciousness

i dont think we are the first conscious beings

if evolution has experience then we have consciousness for a reason

evolution has happened before

how do you find evidence of previous universes?
what would or could this evidence be?

they would be things that are beyond ancient
things that take eons of universes in time to develop

like dna? is dna and the complex things we see in
the universe evidence of the evolution of universes?

after writing the above i did a YAHOO SEARCH for “evolution of universes” the reuslts were:

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Posted by DocN on July 19, 19101 at 15:14:28:

Could one think that there is some kind “survival of the fittest” in universe types and their ability to engender black holes? And, if black holes were ‘seeds’ that formed into new universes (offspring) than this ‘evolutionary process’ would be directly related to the parameters of the ‘mother universe’. What parameters would a universe have to have in order to produce an optimal number and class of ‘seed’ black holes–that would germinate into new universes? Could different black holes unite and produce ‘hybrid seed’ black holes that would result in new variations of universe types?

The Evolution of Universes by Natural Selection

An intriguing application of Darwinian reasoning outside of biology comes from cosmologist Lee Smolin. Seeking an explanation for the physical constants of the universe, Smolin speculated that universes themselves have undergone a form of natural selection and can in fact be considered replicators.

Smolin’s idea was that universes “reproduce” by forming black holes, which some theorists (for example, Stephen Hawking) believe could spawn new universes connected to the parent by a wormhole. Smolin’s hypothesis hinges on the speculation that, when a new universe is spawned, its properties can vary slightly from those of the parent, thus providing a source of mutations.

According to Smolin, the first, primordial universes were “phoenix universes” that expanded, collapsed, and then re-expanded with slightly different properties. The first repetitions of this process probably produced no black holes, since their properties were not suited for this function. However, after a number of iterations, a universe arose that was capable of producing a black hole or two. Thus, before it collapsed and re-formed, it spawned one or two new universes to begin the process again. These universes, having properties similar to but not the same as the parent, could have undergone more phoenix-like regenerations before producing another universe capable of making more black holes. These would then be more likely to produce additional black holes before collapsing, and the progeny would therefore be capable of producing even more black holes, etc. Before long, a form of “differential reproduction” would take place, and natural selection would, of course, select for those most capable of reproducing. Eventually, the vast majority of universes would be near the pinnacle of reproductive efficiency and would produce many black holes, as ours does.

If one grants this natural selection of universes, then an examination of the properties required for black holes neatly explains the apparent paradox of the physical constants of the universe. If these constants have been varying through time due to the process of forming a new universe, then they will have become optimized for producing black holes, obviously. If the properties required for life are strongly correlated with those required for black holes, then the paradox is resolved. Our universe looks optimized for life, but in reality it is optimized for a correlated phenomenon – the production of black holes.

Some of the properties required for black holes are:

  • Rapid enough expansion after the Big Bang to allow for a transparent universe with stable atoms.
  • Stable enough subatomic particles to allow for stable atoms.
  • Subatomic forces that are neither so strong they do not allow nuclei to split, nor so weak they do not hold nuclei together.
  • A gravitational force that is neither so strong that it halts the Big Bang or attracts all matter into a lump, not so weak that it can hardly hold any matter together.

All these properties (and many, many more) are required for the successful formation of stars, from which black holes are formed due to physical processes. Incidentally, these are also many of the same properties that are required for life as we understand it to originate! Though Smolin’s theory currently suffers from a lack of physical or theoretical evidence, it explains too much to be put aside as a mere curiosity. This unique hypothesis will await verification or falsification by advances in theoretical or experimental physics.

Fecund universes From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The fecund universes theory of cosmology advanced by Lee Smolin suggests that the rules of biology apply on the grandest scales.

In this view, a collapsing black hole causes the emergence of a new universe on the “other side”, whose fundamental constant parameters (speed of light, Planck length and so forth) may differ slightly from those of the universe where the black hole collapsed. Each universe therefore gives rise to as many new universes as it has black holes, and the age of a universe can be told by counting up its black holes.

If this theory is correct, the odds strongly favor this universe being not the first to ever exist, but a descendant of many that have existed through time. And, since a universe with conditions favoring production of many ‘child’ universes, i.e. favoring black hole creation, would have many more ‘children’ than one that did not, it is reasonable to expect a late universe to have ‘evolved’ towards conditions favoring black holes.

Thus, an observation of very many black holes in the known universe would be evidence for this view, while if black holes are rare or unusual, it would be quite strong evidence against.

Lee Smolin
Category: Long-term Researchers
Phone: (519) 569-7600 x 322
Office/Room Number: 14

Affiliations: University of Waterloo Research Interests: Quantum gravity, which is the unification of Einstein’s general theory of relativity with quantum theory. He also works on the foundations of quantum mechanics, cosmology, elementary particle physics, astrophysics and theoretical biology. 

Recent Publications:
Books: Life of the Cosmos, (Oxford University Press, New York and Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London, 1997).  Three Roads to Quantum Gravity: (Basic Books, New York and Wiedenfeld and Nicolson,London,2001). 

Recent papers:
Quantum Gravity with a positive cosmological constant, hep-th/0209079
Matrix models as non-local hidden variables theories, hep-th/0201031
Lorentz invariance with an invariant energy scale, with Joao Maguijo, Phys. Rev. Lett. 88 (2002) 190403, hep-th/0112090
M theory as a matrix extension of Chern-Simons theory, hep-th/0002009, Nucl. Phys. B591 (2000) 227-242.
The exceptional Jordan algebra and the matrix string, hep-th/0104050
Click here for more papers by Lee Smolin

Personal Notes:
Born in New York City, Lee was educated at Hampshire College and Harvard University. He was formerly a professor at Yale, Syracuse and Penn State Universities and held postdoctoral positions at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, the Institute for Theoretical Physics, Santa Barbara and the Enrico Fermi Institute, the University of Chicago. He has been a visiting professor at Imperial College London and has held various visiting positions at Oxford and Cambridge Universitiies and the Universities of Rome and Trento, and SISSA, in Italy.

Cosmic Engineering and Evolution

As Freeman Dyson has shown, intelligent life can if it is patient and smart enough, manipulate matter and energy on a cosmic scale, changing the evolution of the universe and maybe even its fate. According to some theories, intelligence even plays a cruicial role in the evolution of universes.

See also Space-Time Technology on the technology page.

 Baby Universes (This Week’s Finds in Mathematical Physics (Week 31)) by John Baez. About the possibilities of “baby universes”, and how they might be formed.
The fate of black hole singularities and the parameters of the standard models of particle physics and cosmology by Lee Smolin.
Possible Implications of the Quantum Theory of Gravity, An Introduction to the Meduso-Anthropic Principle by Louis Crane. Nontechnical paper about how the activities of technological civilizations could influence the evolution of baby universes.
Quotes about evolution by David Zindell
The Linde scenario by Mitch Porter. A vision of spawning baby universes,
linked by wormholes, to extend the universe.
The Self-Reproducing Inflationary Universe by Andrei Linde (Scientific American).
Smolin’s theory as explained by John Baez. Essentially the Linde scenario, as presented by “The Life of the Cosmos” by Lee Smolin.
Ian’s Cosmic Matters Page. Describes the “coincidences” of the anthropic principle, and some variants of it.